Is Your Gastonia Auto Insurance Too High?

Consumers who are new to the process of shopping for insurance online will find finding the lowest-priced Gastonia auto insurance quite challenging.

The purpose of this post is to tell you how to get online quotes and some money-saving tips. If you are paying for car insurance now, you should be able to lower your premiums substantially using these techniques. North Carolina drivers just need to learn the tricks to compare price quotes over the internet.

Compare Quotes for Gastonia Auto Insurance

All major auto insurance companies quote pricing online. Getting online rates doesn’t take a lot of time as you just enter your personal and coverage information as detailed in the form. When complete, the system requests reports for credit and driving violations and generates pricing information based on these factors.

This helps simplify price comparisons, but the time it takes to visit different websites and complete many quote forms can be a bit repetitive. But it’s absolutely necessary to perform this step in order to get lower prices.

The easiest way to find lower prices utilizes a single form to obtain quotes from several different companies. The form is fast, reduces the work, and makes comparison shopping a lot less work. Once the form is submitted, it gets priced and you are able to buy any of the quotes that you receive.

If you find a better price you can simply submit the application and purchase coverage. The whole process can be completed in less than 10 minutes and may result in a nice savings.

If you want to find out how much you can save on auto insurance, click here to open in a new tab and enter your vehicle and coverage information. To compare your current rates, we recommend you complete the form with your coverages identical to your current policy. Doing this assures you will get rate quotes for exact coverage.

Make smart decisions and save

It’s important that you understand some of the elements that go into determining auto insurance rates. Knowing what influences your rates enables informed choices that could result in big Gastonia insurance quote

Listed below are a few of the “ingredients” auto insurance companies consider when setting premiums.

  • Drive less and save money – Driving more miles every year the more you will pay for auto insurance. The majority of insurers rate vehicles based on their usage. Cars and trucks used primarily for pleasure use qualify for better rates than vehicles that are driven to work every day. Double check that your auto insurance coverage properly reflects the proper vehicle usage.
  • Careful drivers pay lower rates – Good drivers have lower premiums than bad drivers. Even a single speeding ticket can increase rates twenty percent or more. Drivers with serious tickets like DWI, reckless driving or hit and run convictions are required to submit a SR-22 or proof of financial responsibility to the state department of motor vehicles in order to continue driving.
  • Don’t skimp on liability – Liability insurance is the protection in the event that a jury decides you are liable for personal injury or accident damage. Liability provides for a legal defense up to the limits shown on your policy. Liability is cheap compared to physical damage coverage, so drivers should carry high limits.
  • Consolidate policies to earn discounts – Most insurance companies will give a discount to insureds who carry more than one policy in the form of a multi-policy discount. Even if you’re getting this discount it’s still a good idea to shop around to make sure you are getting the best deal. You may still be able to find a better deal by insuring with multiple companies.
  • Little extras can really add up – There are a lot of additional coverages that can waste your money on your policy. Things like personal injury protection, accident forgiveness and term life insurance are examples of these. They may seem like a good idea when talking to your agent, but if they’re wasting money remove them from your policy.
  • Sex matters – Statistics demonstrate women tend to be less risk to insure than men. Now that doesn’t mean women are better drivers. Both sexes have accidents in similar numbers, but the men tend to have more serious accidents. Men also statistically get more serious tickets such as reckless driving.

Are you getting all your discounts?

Insurance can cost an arm and a leg, but there are discounts available that you may not even be aware of. Some trigger automatically at the time of purchase, but a few must be specifically requested prior to getting the savings. If they aren’t giving you every credit you deserve, you are throwing money away.

  • No Claims – Drivers with accident-free driving histories pay less when compared to bad drivers.
  • Clubs and Organizations – Participating in a qualifying organization is a good way to get lower rates when shopping for auto insurance.
  • Student Driver Training – Cut your cost by having your teen driver complete a driver education course if offered at their school.
  • New Vehicle Savings – Adding a new car to your policy can save up to 30% due to better safety requirements for new cars.
  • Multi-policy Discount – When you have multiple policies with one company you may earn up to 20% off your total premium.
  • Seat Belts Save more than Lives – Using a seat belt and requiring all passengers to wear their seat belts can save 10% or more off the personal injury premium cost.
  • Pay Now and Pay Less – If you pay your bill all at once instead of making monthly payments you could save up to 5%.
  • Auto/Life Discount – Some companies give better rates if you take out life insurance from them.
  • Employee of Federal Government – Active or retired federal employment can earn a discount up to 10% with select insurance companies.
  • Low Mileage – Low mileage vehicles can qualify you for lower rates on the low mileage vehicles.

Drivers should understand that most discount credits are not given to the overall cost of the policy. Most only reduce specific coverage prices like physical damage coverage or medical payments. So despite the fact that it appears you could get a free auto insurance policy, auto insurance companies aren’t that generous. Any amount of discount will reduce the amount you have to pay.

To choose insurers offering auto insurance discounts in Gastonia, click this link.

When might I need an agent?

When buying proper insurance coverage for your personal vehicles, there is no cookie cutter policy. Your needs are not the same as everyone else’s.

For example, these questions may help highlight whether or not you will benefit from professional help.

  • Do I need special endorsements for business use of my vehicle?
  • Am I getting all the discounts available?
  • Am I covered if I wreck a rental car?
  • When should I drop full coverage on my vehicle?
  • Is my nanny covered when driving my vehicle?
  • Does my vehicle qualify for pleasure use?
  • Are my tools covered if they get stolen from my vehicle?
  • Is my teen driver covered when they drive my company car?
  • Should I have combined single limit or split liability limits?

If it’s difficult to answer those questions then you might want to talk to an agent. If you want to speak to an agent in your area, take a second and complete this form. It’s fast, doesn’t cost anything and can help protect your family.

free Gastonia insurance quote

Best coverage at the best price

When you buy insurance online, do not skimp on coverage in order to save money. There have been many situations where an insured cut physical damage coverage only to find out that the small savings ended up costing them much more. Your strategy should be to find the BEST coverage at the best price.

We just presented a lot of techniques to save on auto insurance. The key concept to understand is the more times you quote, the higher the chance of saving money. Consumers could even find that the most savings is with the smaller companies.

Consumers who switch companies do it for a number of reasons such as delays in paying claims, extreme rates for teen drivers, lack of trust in their agent or policy non-renewal. Regardless of your reason for switching companies, finding a great new company can be less work than you think.

For more North Carolina auto insurance information

More information is available on the North Carolina Department of Insurance website through this link. North Carolina consumers can download brochures, learn about insurance regulations, and get help finding coverage.