Know How to Find the Best Price on Draper Auto Insurance

Having to pay for overpriced auto insurance can overdraw your savings account and put the squeeze on your family’s finances. Doing a price comparison is free, only takes a few minutes, and is a good way to make sure you’re not throwing money away.

You have so many insurers to insure vehicles with, and even though it’s nice to have a choice, so many choices can make it hard to compare rates and find the lowest cost auto insurance.

Lower rates by qualifying for discounts

Auto insurance companies don’t list every discount in a way that’s easy to find, so here is a list some of the best known and also the lesser-known savings tricks you should be using.

  • Seat Belts Save more than Lives – Buckling up and requiring all passengers to use a seat belt could cut 10% or more off the personal injury premium cost.
  • Memberships – Being a member of certain professional organizations is a good way to get lower rates on auto insurance.
  • Drive Less and Save – Driving fewer miles could be rewarded with discounted rates on garaged vehicles.
  • Resident Student – Children who are attending college and do not have a car may qualify for this discount.
  • Braking Control Discount – Vehicles equipped with ABS or steering control can reduce accidents and qualify for as much as a 10% discount.

Drivers should understand that most discounts do not apply to all coverage premiums. Most cut individual premiums such as comp or med pay. So when it seems like adding up those discounts means a free policy, auto insurance companies aren’t that generous.

To see a list of providers with discount auto insurance rates in Utah, follow this link.

Additional detailed information is located at the Utah Insurance Department website. Consumers can get help finding coverage, file complaints about a company, and find disaster information.

Also read more on’s Car Insurance: When not to Skimp and this link where you can get more info about Draper coverage.

insurance quote Utah

Quote often and quote early

In this article, we covered quite a bit of information on how to get a better price on auto insurance. The key thing to remember is the more price quotes you have, the better likelihood of reducing your rate. Consumers may even find the lowest rates come from the least-expected company. They can often provide lower rates in certain areas than their larger competitors like GEICO and State Farm.

When you buy insurance online, make sure you don’t skimp on critical coverages to save a buck or two. There are too many instances where someone dropped liability limits or collision coverage only to regret at claim time that it was a big mistake. The ultimate goal is to find the BEST coverage at the best price, not the least amount of coverage.