New Strategies for Spending Less for on West Linn, OR Auto Insurance

If online auto insurance comparisons are new to you, it’s easy to get confused by the hoards of auto insurance companies vying for business in West Linn.

Finding Auto Insurance in West Linn

Most major insurance companies such as Allstate and Progressive quote price estimates online. The process is quite simple as you simply type in your coverage information into the quote form. Once you submit the form, their rating system makes automated requests for your driving record and credit report and gives you a price quote based on these factors.

Being able to quote online streamlines rate comparisons, but the time it takes to visit a lot of sites and enter the same data into a form is monotonous and tiresome. But it is imperative to get many rate quotes in order to find a lower rate.

An easier way to compare auto insurance pricing requires only one form to obtain quotes from multiple companies. It’s a real time-saver, eliminates repetitive work, and makes price shopping online much easier to do. After sending your information, your coverage is rated and you can choose any or none of the quote results.

If you find a better price you can click and sign and purchase the new policy. It only takes a few minutes and can result in significant savings.

If you want to get comparison pricing now, click here to open in new window and submit the form. To compare your current rates, we recommend you replicate deductibles and limits as close as possible to your current policy. Doing this assures you will have a rate comparison for the exact same coverage.

Lots of discounts mean lots of savings

Insurance can be prohibitively expensive, buy you may qualify for discounts to reduce the price significantly. A few discounts will automatically apply at quote time, but a few must be manually applied prior to receiving the credit. If you don’t get every credit possible, you are paying more than you should be.

  • Save over 55 – If you’re over the age of 55, you may qualify for reduced rates.
  • Theft Prevention System – Vehicles equipped with anti-theft or alarm systems are stolen less frequently and will save you 10% or more.
  • Federal Government Employee – Being employed by or retired from a federal job can save as much as 8% with certain companies.
  • Anti-lock Brake System – Anti-lock brake equipped vehicles are safer to drive and earn discounts up to 10%.
  • Passive Restraint Discount – Factory air bags or automatic seat belts may earn rate discounts of more than 20%.
  • Seat Belt Usage – Drivers who require all occupants to use a seat belt could save 15% off your PIP or medical payments premium.
  • Discount for New Cars – Buying coverage on a new vehicle can save up to 30% since new cars are generally safer.
  • Good Students Pay Less – Performing well in school can save 20 to 25%. Earning this discount can benefit you up until you turn 25.
  • Driver’s Ed – Have your child take driver’s ed class if offered at their school.

Drivers should understand that most of the big mark downs will not be given to your bottom line cost. Most only apply to specific coverage prices like medical payments or collision. So when the math indicates all those discounts means the company will pay you, it doesn’t quite work that way. But any discount will cut your overall premium however.<img class="alignright" style="padding-top:15px" src="" alt="lower rates in West Linn Oregon” />

To see a list of insurers with discount auto insurance rates in West Linn, click this link.

Decisions you make can impact your rates

Consumers need to have an understanding of the different types of things that come into play when calculating the price you pay for auto insurance. Having a good understanding of what determines base rates enables informed choices that may reward you with big savings.

The list below includes a partial list of the pieces auto insurance companies consider when setting rates.

  • Don’t cancel a policy without a new one in place – Driving with no insurance can get your license suspended and as a result your rates will increase for letting your insurance expire. Not only will rates go up, but not being able to provide proof of insurance can result in a revoked license or a big fine.
  • More performance means more cost – The type of vehicle you drive makes a big difference in the rate you pay. Lower performance four cylinder passenger cars generally have the cheapest insurance rates, but other factors influence the final cost greatly.
  • Lower miles equals lower premium – The more you drive each year the higher your rate. Almost all companies apply a rate based upon how you use the vehicle. Cars and trucks left parked in the garage can get a lower rate as compared to vehicles used primarily for driving to work. Make sure your auto insurance policy shows the correct driver usage, because it can save money.
  • Do you know you’re credit rating? – Credit score is a big factor in determining what you pay for auto insurance. Consumers who have excellent credit tend to be less risk to insure as compared to drivers with lower credit scores. If your credit score is low, you could save money insuring your by spending a little time repairing your credit.
  • Older drivers pay less – Older drivers tend to be more responsible, tend to file fewer claims and receive fewer citations. Teenage drivers are known to be careless and easily distracted behind the wheel and because of this, their auto insurance rates are much higher.
  • Little extras can really add up – There are quite a few additional coverages that you can get tricked into buying if you aren’t careful. Coverages like roadside assistance, accidental death and term life insurance may be costing you every month. They may seem good initially, but if they’re wasting money get rid of them and save.
  • Your location affects your rates – Living in a rural area can be a good thing when insuring your vehicles. Less people living in that area means a lower chance of having an accident and a lower car theft rate. Urban drivers regularly have much more traffic to deal with and longer commute times. Higher commute times translates into higher accident risk.

Drivers who switch save $463 a year? Really?

Oregon consumers get pounded daily by advertisements for cheaper car insurance by companies like Allstate and Progressive. They all seem to make the same claim that you’ll save big if you change to them.

How can each company make almost identical claims? It’s all in the numbers.

All the different companies can use profiling for the driver they prefer to insure. A good example of a profitable customer could be over the age of 40, owns a home, and has excellent credit. A driver that hits that “sweet spot” will get the preferred rates and is almost guaranteed to save a lot of money.

Drivers who do not match the requirements will have to pay higher prices and ends up with the driver buying from a lower-cost company. The ad wording is “customers that switch” but not “drivers who get quotes” save that much. That’s the way insurance companies can confidently state the savings.

Because of the profiling, drivers should quote coverage with many companies. It’s impossible to know which insurance companies will give you the biggest savings.

lower rates in West Linn Oregon

Shop smart and save

Insureds leave their current company for a variety of reasons including policy non-renewal, poor customer service, an unsatisfactory settlement offer or not issuing a premium refund. No matter why you want to switch, switching companies is not as difficult as it may seem.

While you’re price shopping online, don’t be tempted to buy lower coverage limits just to save a few bucks. There have been many cases where someone sacrificed physical damage coverage only to regret that the small savings ended up costing them much more. Your focus should be to purchase a proper amount of coverage at an affordable rate, not the least amount of coverage.

In this article, we covered a lot of techniques to reduce auto insurance prices online. The key thing to remember is the more rate quotes you have, the higher your chance of finding lower rates. You may be surprised to find that the lowest rates come from some of the smallest insurance companies.

For more information

Additional information can be found on the Oregon Insurance Division website located here. Oregon drivers can download brochures, find out industry alerts, and read industry bulletins.