If price shopping auto insurance online is new to you, you may be overwhelmed by the large number of companies competing for business in Ottawa.
Consumers should take time to compare rates once or twice a year because prices are usually higher with each renewal. Just because you found the lowest price last year other companies may now be cheaper. There is too much inaccurate information about auto insurance on the internet, so with this article, you’re going to get a lot of great tips on how to put money back in your pocket.
How to Lower Your Auto Insurance Cost in Ottawa
Cutting your auto insurance rates isn’t really that difficult. You just have to take the time to compare quotes provided by online insurance companies. This can be accomplished in a couple of different ways.
- The best way consumers can make multiple comparisons is an all-inclusive rate comparison like this one (opens in new window). This method saves time by eliminating a different quote for each company you want a rate for. Completing one form gets rate comparisons from several companies.It’s the quickest way to get rates.
- A harder way to compare rate quotes consists of visiting the website for each individual company and complete a new quote form. For instance, we’ll assume you want rates from Progressive, State Farm and GMAC. To get rate quotes you would need to go to every website and enter your information, which is why the first method is more popular. For a list of links to companies insuring cars in Ottawa, click here.
- The least efficient method to compare rates is driving around to local Ottawa insurance agencies. Shopping for auto insurance online makes this process obsolete unless you prefer the personal advice of a licensed agent. Drivers can price shop your coverage online but buy from a local insurance agent and we’ll cover that in a bit.
It’s your choice how you get your quotes, but ensure you are comparing exactly the same coverage limits and deductibles with every price quote. If you have unequal deductibles or liability limits it will be very difficult to make a fair comparison in Ottawa.
How insurance companies determine rates
Consumers need to have an understanding of the rating factors that help determine auto insurance rates. Having a good understanding of what influences your rates helps enable you to make changes that could result in lower auto insurance prices.
- Do you know you’re credit rating? – Your credit rating is a huge factor in determining your rates. Drivers with high credit ratings tend to file fewer claims and have better driving records than drivers who have lower ratings. If your credit score can use some improvement, you could be paying less to insure your by improving your rating.
- Where you live – Living in a small town has it’s advantages when it comes to auto insurance. Lower population means a lower chance of having an accident. Urban drivers have to deal with congested traffic and longer commutes to work. More time on the road means more change of being in an accident.
- Increase deductibles and save – Physical damage coverage, otherwise known as comp (or other than collision) and collision, protects your car from damage. Examples of covered claims are colliding with a building, damage caused by hail, or theft. Physical damage deductibles are the amount of money you are willing to pay out-of-pocket in the event of a claim. The more money you’re willing to pay, the less your auto insurance will be.
- Type of vehicle determines base rates – The performance level of the car you are insuring makes a significant difference in your rates. The most favorable rates tend to be for low performance passenger cars, but the final cost of insurance is determined by many other factors.
- Pay less if you’re married – Having a spouse actually saves money when buying auto insurance. Having a spouse means you’re more responsible it has been statistically shown that drivers who are married are more cautious.
- Males pay more for insurance – Statistics show women are more cautious behind the wheel. Now that doesn’t mean women are BETTER drivers than men. They both cause accidents at a similar rate, but the male of the species tend to have more serious accidents. Men also tend to receive more costly citations such as reckless driving.
- Do you need the policy add-ons? – There are many extra bells and whistles you can purchase on your auto insurance policy. Things like vanishing deductibles, better glass coverage and membership fees are examples of these. These coverages may sound good initially, but your needs may have changed so remove them from your policy.
- Theft deterrents lower rates – Choosing a vehicle with anti-theft technology or alarm system can help lower your rates. Theft prevention features like GM’s OnStar, tamper alarm systems and vehicle immobilizers can thwart auto theft.
Take advantage of discounts
The cost of insuring your cars can be expensive, but discounts can save money and there are some available that many people don’t even know exist. A few discounts will automatically apply at quote time, but lesser-known reductions have to be inquired about prior to receiving the credit. If you don’t get every credit possible, you’re paying more than you need to.
- Seat Belts Save more than Lives – Using a seat belt and requiring all passengers to use a seat belt can save 10% or more on the medical payments or PIP coverage costs.
- Low Mileage – Driving fewer miles can qualify you for lower rates on the low mileage vehicles.
- Student Driver Training – Require your teen driver to take driver’s ed class in school.
- Life Insurance – Companies who offer life insurance give a break if you buy a life insurance policy as well.
- Discount for Swiching Early – Some insurance companies reward drivers for buying a policy prior to your current policy expiring. The savings is around 10%.
- Federal Government Employee – Active or retired federal employment can save as much as 8% depending on your company.
- Student in College – Any of your kids who live away from home and do not have a car may be able to be covered for less.
- Multi-policy Discount – When you have multiple policies with one insurance company you may save approximately 10% to 15%.
It’s important to understand that many deductions do not apply to the entire cost. Most cut individual premiums such as comprehensive or collision. So even though it sounds like you would end up receiving a 100% discount, companies don’t profit that way. Any qualifying discounts will help reduce your premiums.
But buying car insurance online seems impersonal
A small number of people just want to talk to a local agent. Good agents can point out coverage gaps and help submit paperwork. One of the great benefits of comparing insurance prices online is you may find lower rates and still choose a local agent. And providing support for local businesses is important especially in Ottawa.
By using this quick form, the quote information is sent to companies in Ottawa who will compete for your insurance coverage. You never need to visit any agencies due to the fact that quote results will go straight to your inbox. How’s that for easy!<img class="alignright" style="padding-top:15px" src="https://www.findnewcarinsurance.com/wp-content/uploads/ci175-26.jpg" alt="Auto insurance in Kansas” />
Do you need an independent or captive insurance agent?
When searching for a reputable insurance agent or broker, you need to know there are two types of agencies that differ in how they can insure your vehicles. Insurance agencies in Ottawa are categorized either captive or independent. Either one can properly insure your vehicles, but it’s important to know how they differ since it may influence buying decisions.
Independent Agents (or Brokers)
These agents do not work for one specific company so they can insure your vehicles with lots of companies and possibly get better coverage at lower prices. To transfer your coverage to a different company, your agent can switch companies and you don’t have to find a new agent.
When shopping rates, it’s recommended you get quotes from at a minimum one independent agency for maximum quote selection. Many write coverage with smaller companies which can be an advantage.
The following are Ottawa independent agencies who may be able to give you price quotes.
- Ottawa Insurance – 118 W 2nd St – Ottawa, KS 66067 – (785) 242-2807
- Osladil Insurance Svc – 411 S Main St – Ottawa, KS 66067 – (785) 242-6955
Captive Agents
These agents work for only one company and some examples include AAA, Allstate and State Farm. These agents are not able to give you multiple price quotes so it’s a take it or leave it situation. These agents receive extensive training on their company’s products which helps them sell insurance even at higher premiums. Consumers frequently buy insurance from these agents primarily because of the brand legacy and strong financial ratings.
The following is a short list of captive agents in Ottawa that are able to give price quotes.
- Farmers Insurance Group – 401 S Main St – Ottawa, KS 66067 – (785) 242-1904
- American Family Insurance – 215 S Main St – Ottawa, KS 66067 – (785) 242-2676
- State Farm Insurance – 1224 E Logan St – Ottawa, KS 66067 – (785) 242-9435
- Allstate Insurance – 109 E 5th St – Ottawa, KS 66067 – (785) 242-4128
- Farm Bureau Insurance – 210 W Tecumseh St – Ottawa, KS 66067 – (785) 242-4122
To view a complete directory of captive agents in Ottawa, please view this page.
Choosing a car insurance agent requires more thought than just a cheap price. Any agent should have no problem answering these questions:
- Are there any hidden costs in their price quote and does it include driving and credit history?
- Are there any discounts that you might be missing?
- Does the agency support the community they serve?
- What is the agency’s Better Business Bureau rating?
- What will you get paid if your car is a total loss? How is that amount determined?
- Do they feel the quoted coverages are adequate?
Upon receiving good answers to any questions you have and a good coverage price, it’s possible that you found a car insurance agent that is a good match to properly insure your vehicles.

Quote more, save more
You just read a lot of ways to reduce auto insurance prices online. The key thing to remember is the more rate comparisons you have, the higher your chance of finding lower rates. You may be surprised to find that the lowest rates come from the least-expected company.
While you’re price shopping online, do not buy less coverage just to save a little money. There have been many cases where someone sacrificed collision coverage and found out when filing a claim that a couple dollars of savings turned into a financial nightmare. Your strategy should be to buy a smart amount of coverage at the best price.
Consumers leave their current company for a variety of reasons including high prices, extreme rates for teen drivers, lack of trust in their agent or even being labeled a high risk driver. Regardless of your reason, choosing a new company can be pretty painless.
More information is available on the Kansas Insurance Department website through this link. Consumers can download brochures, file complaints about an insurance agent or broker, and find disaster information.