Perplexed by the crazy number of car insurance companies in Newtown? You have a lot of company. People have so many options available that it can be a real challenge to find lower rates.
Finding the best rates in Newtown is not that difficult. Essentially every driver who shops for car insurance most likely will be able to cut their insurance bill. Nevertheless, Connecticut drivers need to learn the methods companies use to determine prices.
How to Lower your Car Insurance Rates
Consumers need to have an understanding of the different types of things that go into determining the price you pay for car insurance. Knowing what controls the rates you pay enables informed choices that will entitle you to better car insurance rates.
- Drive less and save money – The more miles you rack up on your car each year the higher your rate. Most insurance companies charge to insure your cars based on their usage. Cars and trucks that are left in the garage receive lower rates than vehicles that are driven to work every day. Verify your car insurance policy shows how each vehicle is driven, because improper ratings can cost you money.
- Don’t buy coverages you don’t need – There are many add-on coverages that you can buy if you aren’t careful. Coverages like roadside assistance, towing coverage and additional equipment coverage may be wasting your money. These coverages may sound good when you first buy your policy, but now you might not need them so get rid of them and save.
- Safe vehicles cost less to insure – Cars with high safety ratings can get you lower premiums. Safer cars reduce injuries and better occupant protection translates into savings for insurance companies and more competitive rates for policyholders.
- Teen drivers pay high rates – Teen drivers in Connecticut are known to be less responsible in a vehicle so car insurance rates are higher. Mature drivers tend to be more responsible, tend to file fewer claims and tend to be better behind the wheel.
- Traffic violations increase rates – A bad driving record impacts your car insurance rates tremendously. Careful drivers get better rates than bad drivers. Only having one ticket can boost insurance rates by twenty percent. If you have serious violations like reckless driving, hit and run or driving under the influence may find they need to file a proof of financial responsibility form (SR-22) with their state motor vehicle department in order to continue driving.
- Never allow your policy to lapse – Allowing your coverage to lapse will be a fast way to increase your car insurance rates. Not only will rates go up, getting caught without coverage might get you a revoked license or a big fine.Then you may be required to submit proof of financial responsibility or a SR-22 with the Connecticut department of motor vehicles.
- Performance influences rates – The type of vehicle you are buying insurance for makes a significant difference in determining your rates. Small economy passenger cars usually have the lowest rates, but the cost you end up paying is determined by many additional factors.
- Poor credit can mean higher rates – Your credit history is a huge factor in determining your rates. Therefore, if your credit is not that good, you could be paying less to insure your by spending a little time repairing your credit. Consumers who have high credit ratings tend to be less risk to insure than those with lower credit scores.
You probably qualify for some discounts
Companies that sell car insurance don’t necessarily list every available discount very clearly, so here is a list some of the best known and the harder-to-find car insurance savings.
- Fewer Miles Equal More Savings – Keeping the miles down could qualify for discounted rates on garaged vehicles.
- Multi-policy Discount – When you have multiple policies with one company you may save approximately 10% to 15%.
- Payment Method – If you pay your entire premium ahead of time rather than paying monthly you could save 5% or more.
- Auto/Life Discount – Some companies give a discount if you purchase auto and life insurance together.
- Drivers Education – Require your teen driver to enroll in driver’s education if it’s offered in school.
- Senior Citizens – Mature drivers may qualify for a discount up to 10%.
- Student in College – Youth drivers who attend school more than 100 miles from home and don’t have a car may be able to be covered for less.
- Own a Home – Simply owning a home can save you money due to the fact that maintaining a home requires personal responsibility.
- New Vehicle Savings – Adding a new car to your policy can save up to 30% compared to insuring an older model.
It’s important to understand that most credits do not apply to all coverage premiums. The majority will only reduce individual premiums such as comprehensive or collision. So even though they make it sound like adding up those discounts means a free policy, it doesn’t quite work that way.
To choose insurers who offer car insurance discounts in Newtown, click here to view.
Even more information is located at the Connecticut Insurance Department website. Consumers can file complaints about an insurance agent or broker, learn about specific coverages, read consumer alerts, and find out which companies have the most complaints.
A little work can save a LOT of money
When you buy insurance online, it’s very important that you do not buy poor coverage just to save money. There have been many cases where an insured dropped full coverage to discover at claim time that the savings was not a smart move. Your goal should be to purchase a proper amount of coverage at the best price while still protecting your assets.

We just presented quite a bit of information on how to save on car insurance. The key concept to understand is the more rate quotes you have, the better likelihood of reducing your rate. You may even discover the lowest premiums are with a lesser-known regional company.
Cost effective car insurance is possible on the web and also from your neighborhood Newtown agents, so you should compare both to have the best rate selection. There are still a few companies who may not provide you the ability to get quotes online and usually these smaller companies provide coverage only through local independent agents.