Top 10 Ways You Can Buy Car Insurance for Less in Casper

Expensive car insurance can empty your personal savings and make it hard to pay other bills. Comparing price quotes is free and is an excellent way to lower your monthly bill.

Insurance companies such as State Farm and GEICO persitently shower you with ads and it can be hard to sift through the bull and take the time to shop coverage around.

If you currently have a car insurance policy, you stand a good chance to be able to reduce your rates substantially using these methods. Choosing the best insurance company for you in Casper is easy if you know what you’re doing. Although Wyoming consumers can benefit by having an understanding of how the larger insurance companies market on the web and take advantage of how the system works.

Compare Car Insurance Today

All major car insurance companies allow you to get insurance quotes directly from their websites. Obtaining pricing is fairly simple as you just enter your required coverages as requested by the quote form. Behind the scenes, the company’s rating system automatically retrieves information on your driving record and credit history and returns a price quote determined by many factors. This simplifies rate comparisons, but the work required to visit different websites and enter the same data into a form is not the best way to spend an afternoon. But it is imperative to have as many quotes as possible if you want to find the lowest price.

There is an easier way!

A more efficient way to compare rates uses one form that gets prices from multiple companies. It saves time, reduces the work, and makes online shopping much easier. Immediately after you send the form, it gets priced and you can select your choice of the quotes returned. If one or more price quotes are lower than your current rates, you can click and sign and buy the new coverage. The entire process only takes a few minutes and may result in a nice savings.

To save time and use this form to compare rates, click here to open in new window and enter your vehicle and coverage information. If you have your current policy handy, we recommend you replicate just like they are on your policy. This helps ensure you will get comparison quotes based on the exact same insurance coverage.

Discounts are available to cut your rates

Companies offering auto insurance do not advertise every discount very clearly, so here is a list some of the more common and the more hidden car insurance savings.

  • Payment Discounts – If you pay your bill all at once instead of making monthly payments you could save 5% or more.
  • Life Insurance – Larger companies have lower rates if you buy life insurance.
  • Defensive Driver – Successfully completing a course in driver safety can save you 5% or more if your company offers it.
  • Anti-lock Brake System – Cars that have steering control and anti-lock brakes can avoid accidents and therefore earn up to a 10% discount.
  • Good Student – This discount can save 20 to 25%. This discount can apply until age 25.
  • Government Employees – Employees or retirees of the government can earn a discount up to 10% depending on your company.
  • Memberships – Affiliation with a qualifying organization could qualify you for a break on your policy.
  • Seat Belts Save – Drivers who require all occupants to buckle their seat belts could save 15% off your PIP or medical payments premium.
  • Multiple Cars – Having all your vehicles with the same company qualifies for this discount.
  • College Student – Kids in college who attend school more than 100 miles from home and do not have access to a covered vehicle can receive lower rates.

It’s important to note that most credits do not apply to the entire cost. Most only apply to specific coverage prices like medical payments or collision. So when the math indicates adding up those discounts means a free policy, it just doesn’t work that way.

To choose companies who offer car insurance discounts in Wyoming, click here.

Everyone needs different coverages

When buying the right insurance coverage for your personal vehicles, there really is not a single plan that fits everyone. Each situation is unique and a cookie cutter policy won’t apply. For example, these questions might point out whether your personal situation might need professional guidance.

  • Am I covered when using my vehicle for business?
  • Am I covered by my employer’s commercial auto policy when driving my personal car for business?
  • What can I do if my company won’t pay a claim?
  • Can I still get insurance after a DUI?
  • Why am I be forced to buy a membership to get insurance from some companies?
  • Does my car insurance cover rental cars?

If it’s difficult to answer those questions but a few of them apply, you may need to chat with an agent. If you want to speak to an agent in your area, fill out this quick form or click here for a list of car insurance companies in your quote Casper

Car insurance coverage information

Understanding the coverages of car insurance helps when choosing which coverages you need for your vehicles. Car insurance terms can be confusing and nobody wants to actually read their policy. These are the normal coverages found on most car insurance policies.

Coverage for medical payments

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and medical payments coverage kick in for bills like ambulance fees, nursing services, funeral costs and pain medications. They are often used to cover expenses not covered by your health insurance policy or if there is no health insurance coverage. They cover not only the driver but also the vehicle occupants and will also cover being hit by a car walking across the street. PIP coverage is only offered in select states and gives slightly broader coverage than med pay

Comprehensive coverages

This will pay to fix damage from a wide range of events other than collision. You first must pay your deductible then your comprehensive coverage will pay.

Comprehensive can pay for claims like damage from getting keyed, damage from a tornado or hurricane and falling objects. The maximum payout a car insurance company will pay at claim time is the market value of your vehicle, so if the vehicle’s value is low consider removing comprehensive coverage.

Uninsured and underinsured coverage

This coverage gives you protection from other motorists when they do not carry enough liability coverage. Covered claims include injuries to you and your family as well as damage to your vehicle.

Because many people only purchase the least amount of liability that is required (Wyoming limits are 25/100/15), their liability coverage can quickly be exhausted. That’s why carrying high Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage is very important.

Liability insurance

This protects you from damages or injuries you inflict on a person or their property in an accident. It consists of three limits, bodily injury for each person, bodily injury for the entire accident, and a limit for property damage. You might see liability limits of 50/100/50 which stand for $50,000 in coverage for each person’s injuries, $100,000 for the entire accident, and a total limit of $50,000 for damage to vehicles and property.

Liability insurance covers things such as pain and suffering, bail bonds, emergency aid and legal defense fees. How much liability should you purchase? That is your choice, but buy as high a limit as you can afford. Wyoming state law requires minimum liability limits of 25,000/100,000/15,000 but it’s recommended drivers buy more liability than the minimum.

Casper WY insurance prices

Collision protection

This coverage will pay to fix damage to your vehicle from colliding with another vehicle or an object, but not an animal. You have to pay a deductible then your collision coverage will kick in.

Collision coverage protects against claims like sustaining damage from a pot hole, crashing into a building and hitting a parking meter. Paying for collision coverage can be pricey, so consider dropping it from vehicles that are older. Drivers also have the option to raise the deductible to bring the cost down.

More detailed Wyoming car insurance information can be read at the Wyoming Insurance Department website. Wyoming consumers can download brochures, view agent and company licensing information, and discover disciplinary actions.

Buy online or local, you save

We just showed you some good ideas how you can get a better price on car insurance. The key concept to understand is the more price quotes you have, the better likelihood of reducing your rate. You may even find the best prices are with a smaller regional carrier. Regional companies may cover specific market segments cheaper as compared to the big name companies such as Allstate, GEICO and Progressive.

The cheapest car insurance is definitely available from both online companies as well as from independent agents in Casper, so you should be comparing quotes from both to have the best selection. Some companies don’t offer online price quotes and many times these regional insurance providers only sell through independent insurance agents.